Boards Repair Fast Service
Seatexboards does all kinds of board repair for all brand and models using high quality materials and the original design of the best brands.

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After almost 20 yrs of service we started to build our custom boards.
Turtle Wing Custom boards, please refer to our new website.

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Seatexboards offers a BOOM RE-GRIP SERVICE for all brands and models for booms in aluminum, ergal or carbon.
The system used to remove the old grip from the boom does not damage the boom itself but only works on the external covering.
Beside the windsurf booms, we have also gripped different things including Racing Yacht Steering Wheels, Tillers and Pedals.

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Almost all windsurfing companies from 2018 have provided some models foil ready where was reinforced the fin box, but how you may know the prices of this board are over 2.000 euros.
Why don’t use your old board and save a lot of may and “get ready” for foiling?
The conversion involves the removal of the old Tuttle Box to be able to insert a reinforced Deep Tuttle box

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