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Season n. 22 coming soon!


We will be back soon..


CNC cutting Service


Season 2022 opening soon


Has been a while..


End of the Tunnel?

Our Blog Archive

Season n. 22 coming soon!

Hello Folks, We hope you guys are doing good. We’d like to inform you that [...]

We will be back soon..

Hello everyone, sorry if this year we didn’t post much, but we has been totally [...]

CNC cutting Service

Just less then a month ago, we announced the CNC cutting service for those who [...]

Season 2022 opening soon

Aloha everyone! Here we are after a very challenging 2021 season, full of work and [...]

Has been a while..

Hello everyone, how you guys doing? Sorry if i didn’t post it nothing in the [...]

Finally we will start on April 23, 2021 – Foil Box Discount

Aloha everyone, Just a quick post to inform you that we are opening April 23, [...]

End of the Tunnel?

Aloha everyone, we hope you ate at least one chocolate egg during the past holidays. [...]

Happy Easter from Torbole Lake Garda

Hello everyone, Even we are still in lock down for a second Easter in a [...]

Our season will start after Easter

Hello Everyone, due a new restriction in our Region and almost all Italy, we are [...]

Foil Week Discount !!

Hello Everyone, just a quick post to tell you that from tomorrow Sunday, 20 March [...]

We are opening soon.. Maybe!

Hello everyone,since out last post, (that can you read here), we are still working to [...]

Always a pleasure.. to work with him

Hey Everyone, How are you?? In the last 3 days, we worked with JP Australia, [...]

We are Back.. even we never move it!

Dear all, How are you doing? We are here in Torbole Lake Garda, kind of [...]

Foiling Week: Deep Tuttle Foil Box – Discount

Hello everyone, In the last few days, we took a break from work, even because [...]

Merry Xmas and Happy New year!

Hey everyone, Just a quick post to wish to all of you,  Merry Xmas and [...]

Excuse me, where were we?

Hi there, Sorry, but it’s been a while, since I have written my last post [...]

Future Foil Track Mount 2 – New Release!

Hello Everyone, We hoping are you doing good even in this hard moment, cause Covid19. [...]

We stay open all winter.. almost!

Hello everyone, it pass almost a month since my last post in this blog. Sorry, [...]

That’s why, I’m not posting in the blog!

Aloha everyone, Has been quite few weeks from my last blog post. Here we will [...]

Sorry too busy for this..

Aloha Friday Everyone, Has been quite a long time from our last post, but we [...]

We are back up and running..

Hello everyone, for those didn’t follow us on Facebook , we had the shop flooded [...]

Turtle Wing Board Line – Video 4

Good Morning, We would like to share with you, all the process of building our [...]

Turtle Wing Board Line – Video 3

Good Morning, We would like to share with you, all the process of building our [...]

Promo Code – Deep Tuttle Foil Box V6

Good Morning! last week we build several Deep Tuttle Foil Box and we will love [...]

Turtle Wing Board Line – Video 2

Good Morning, We would like to share with you, all the process of building our [...]

Turtle Wing Board Line – Video 1

Aloha everyone, We would like to share with you, all the process of building our [...]

Welcome to Turtle Wing Website

Aloha Friday everyone, We have been kind of busy with some stuff to finish in [...]

Turtle Wing 90L Carve

Aloha everyone, How you guys doing? Sorry if in the last week we didn’t post [...]

Turtle Wing 108 delivered

Aloha everyone, How you guys doing? Any good Days in the water?? For me,  it’s [...]

Flymount & Turtle Wing Custom Boards

Aloha Friday everyone, today we want to talk about the best action camera mount, for [...]

This is Mine!

Aloha Friday, Today we want show you my personal  Wing Board of our Turtle Wing [...]

Meantime in Peru’

Good Morning everyone, during the lock down back in May , we sent some Deep [...]

Turtle Wing Line 75L

Aloha Everyone We hope you had a great weekend, here in Lake Garda we had [...]

Turtle Wing 90L – Wing-Sup

Hi there, Here we Go! First board of our line Turtle Wing has been delivered [...]

Installing Deep Tuttle Foil Box – Video

Aloha everyone, small recap of last year video, to How Installing a Deep Tuttle Foil [...]

Deep Tuttle Foil Box – 20 Euro OFF discount

Aloha everyone, How are you? We get some days off, from our Blog to finish [...]

Future Track Mount – Coupon Discount

Hello everyone, first of all have a nice weekend! We’d like to give you a [...]

New products Online

Aloha everyone, How you doing?? We add few new products in our Online Store. – [...]

Turtle Wing 75L in Action!

Hello everyone, finally we had a time to select some photos for a  gallery of [...]

This is the 75L – Turtle Wing Board

Hello everyone, Here the first board delivered straight on the beach to our client. we [...]

Teaser – Turtle Wing 75L

Good Morning, small teaser of our Turtle Wing Line 75L. More action photos tomorrow June [...]

One, done, 2 to go!

Aloha all! Here in Torbole Lake Garda, in the last 2 / 3 days, we [...]

The Dust Day!

Aloha everyone, We are been working for this 3 boards since a week, and yesterday [...]

what we have done so far!

Hello Everyone, how you doing?? During in the week or so, luckily, we were so [...]

Help us to reach 6000 likes!

Hello everyone, In the last 3 days we have been very busy with 2 new [...]

Strong enough?

Aloha Sunday everyone, in the last 2 days here, the weather has been kind of [...]

From 2 US Boxes to Future Track Mount

Aloha Friday everyone, we are not in Torbole right now, but in Venice, my hometown, [...]

End of the Lockdown for us!

Hello Everyone, it’s the end of a long, sad time, that none of us ever [...]

Flying in Torbole

Aloha Friday just few images of our Lake at this time, hoping to see the [...]

Week end Discount coming up!

Hello everyone, we are still working for few more boards, of Turtle Line. Next in [...]

Turtle Board Line – Online

Aloha everyone! We really hope you had a good week end. We worked hard refine [...]

Love at first sight – Wing

Aloha Sunday everyone, all last week I been test the board that we made in [...]

Store Full of Boxes

Hello to everyone, even we opened the shop since last monday, at the moment we [...]

Welcome to Turtle Board Line

Good Morning everyone, Last week we finished to build our Wing Board. We get unlucky [...]

We sent another client in the Air

Hello Everyone, back in March before we get the Lockdown time, we worked in one [...]

June 3, 2020 Everybody free !!

Aloha Sunday everyone, Yesterday evening the Prime Minister spoke on the new regulations in force [...]

Deep Tuttle Foil Box – V4 / V5 Weekend Discount

Hello everyone, In the last few days, we took a break from work, even because [...]

Lock down – Update! (Good News)

Hello everyone, has everybody knows, cause the Corona Virus, we forced to shout down the [...]

Back on Track, Future Track Mount v2

Dear all, After completing the wing board, we had to put our foil box back [...]

Nice to be back in the water

Aloha Everyone, after came back from Maui, end of February,  the weather here in Torbole [...]

Safety face shield | Visiere Anti-Covid19

[ENG] Hello everyone, during this difficult time, we give a full support to our neighbor, [...]

Wing board Update Day 10

Dear all, after almost 10 days of “smart Working” just few hours a day, our [...]

Wing board Update Day 9

Good Morning all, we are keep going on schedule.. last night we did the lamination [...]

Wing board Update Day 8

Good Morning, After we laminated the bottom, today its time to prepare the lamination on [...]

Wing board Update Day 7

Dear all, we are keep going with some other works and meantime we are trying [...]

Lock down day 52 – it’s Over ! maybe?

Aloha everyone, after 52 days of lock down, starting on 4 May, 2020, we are [...]

Wing board Update Day 6

Hello friends, First of all THANK YOU for all kind of message that we keep [...]

Wing Board Update Day 5

Hello everyone, Over night we glued the PVC on the deck. We need to fix [...]

Lockdown Update Day 48 – Some News

Hello everyone, Since this morning at 7am, we are able to go outside the house, [...]

Wing Board Update Day 4

Dear all! After sanding the PVC block for reinforcement of the mast track, we started [...]

Lockdown Day 46!

Aloha Monday everyone, We really hope you guys doing fine! Almost everybody knew about our [...]

Wing Board Update Day 3

Hello everyone and welcome to Day 3. we started last night with overnight working for [...]

Wing Board Update Day 2

Aloha everyone, here the 2nd update of my wing board. After gluing the PVC on [...]

Wing Board Update Day 1

Hello everyone, If you followed us, last week weeks we get involve to build a [...]

Wing Board – unboxing

Hello everyone, Even we are still lockdown untill May 3, 2020, we recieved last week [...]

Lockdown day 34!

Hello everyone, we really hope this “Lock down” will end soon and everybody can return [...]

Time to share Alo)(a

Stay home – stay safe Andrea 🙂

Happy Easter 2020

Hi there, We wish you all of you, safe and healthy Happy Easter. We give [...]

Wing Board – CNC Video

Hey everyone, in the previous post we were talking about to produce a specific wing [...]

DIY – Future Track Mount – 2

Hello everyone, once again, our client, sent us his work adapting the Future Track Mount [...]

DIY – Deep Tuttle Foil Box

Hey everyone, less then 24 hrs ago, we received an email from one of our [...]

DIY – Future Track Mount

Hey everyone, we are all at home, with a lot of time to spend in [...]

Lockdown Day 23 – Please Read

Hey everyone, we really hope you are doing fine and in fully healthy . Here, [...]

Hotwheels? No HotWings!

I really enjoyed the time spend with him.In this video below you can actually see [...]

This is it!

Deep Tuttle Vs Deep Tuttle Foil Ready – Differences

In the right side you can see a proper Deep Tuttle Foil Box, made it [...]

Goya – Quatro Test Tour Lake Garda

Thanks to: goyawindsurfing quatrowindsurfing detoursurfandsnow cittsurf_calmbrone

Behind the Scene

In this video, we will show you how we made every single Deep Tuttle FOIL [...]

Wall logo..

Here we are..

Good Morning followers, friends and clients, the 2019 Seatexboards  season will kick off on Saturday [...]

Still no wind..

Hi there,still in Maui, and still no sign of trade wind in the last 2 [...]

No Wind, but..

Enjoying these days with no wind but still good waves.#love#maui#sweepers#supMFC HawaiiQuatro WindsurfingBlack Project SUPGoProFlymount

Few days of Sup..

Hello everyone, In the last days we’ve got a really good condition for Stand up.Quite [...]

Finally, the wind died..

Aloha everyone, since I’m here, end of november, it has been a crazy windy, 45 [...]

Merry Xmas and Happy New year!

I wish to all my clients, followers and friends Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!Aloha [...]

Has been a while..

Aloha everyone, Took me almost six weeks to feel better after the back injury. Still [...]

See you soon

Thank you all see you in March 2019 Have a good winter. Andrea PS. the [...]

Tools for Foiling…

      Aloha everyone, in this funny video, you’ll learn what kind of tools [...]

Another season…

Another season is slipping away..and it’s time to report this 2018. It’s been a very [...]

Developing the Foil Box – IT

Italian Version: In questo post vorrei presentare lo story-board sulla produzione di una nuova Deep [...]

Developing the Foil Box – Eng

English Version In this post I would like to introduce the story-board about the production of a [...]

MFC Foils are Here

We are glad to show you a preview of MFC HAWAII Foil. MFC One7 Hydrofoil [...]

RRD Foil Board – Full Carbon Nose Protection

If you beginning of foiling, you may risk to catapult and broke the nose of [...]

Carbon Deep Tuttle Fin Box v.2 ON SALE

We are so happy to introduce our Deep tuttle Fin box. Complete in Full Carbon, [...]

Goya Windsurfing for Planet All Sports

Aloha Everyone,I’ve got some @goyawindsurfing Boards to repair, of  Planet All Sport of Capo Reamol. [...]

Fanatic Falcon 110 into Foil Falcon

Other board converted.Quite old Fanatic Falcon 110 litres into a Foil windsurfing boards. check the [...]

Sup board into foil board Part.2

Done! The Sup board now can be used also for foiling. For more info and [...]

Sup board into foil board Part.1

Sometimes our clients ask me to make some changes.In this case, a JP Sup Board, [...]

Some new improvement

We are always improve our rooms, trying to understand how to make the best use [...]

Starboard Repair Center

As an Official Starboard Repair Center we take great care of our customers, but sometimes, [...]

Opening soon..

On march 17th 2018, we are open for another season. Please check it out our [...]

New Foil Boxes

We are working for a next season. We had some new Deep Tuttle Fin boxes, [...]

Maui 22 Jan.2018

Sup in da Harbor in Maui.  

Maui 20 Jan. 2018

Small Clip about today in Maui  

Maui Jan.17,2018

Another Crazy day here in Maui.

Maui Dec.1, 2017

Hello everyone, we arrived few days ago and Maui delivered some nice condition, 4.5 Banzai [...]

Has been longtime..

All the time, when you are  watching the forecast, you always pray for  wind or [...]

2017 Season Over!

Another season it’s Over! I’d like to Thank you all, for this fantastic Summer season [...]

9Hrs of Work in 39 seconds

Sometimes your board can suck the water and before you figure out from where comes [...]

Foil Sesh with AA

I had a so much fun trying the Antoine’s Foil. Thank you Antoine Albeau to [...]

Woody Longboard

We build a Woody Longboard for a friend. Has been a tricky and long work [...]