Deep Tuttle Foil Box – 20 Euro OFF discount

Aloha everyone,
How are you?
We get some days off, from our Blog to finish few things and visit some friends.
Now we are back in Torbole, where you can’t see so many tourist, but looks getting better day by day, and has been really windy !!
In this post we want give away a Coupon discount of 20 euro OFF on our Deep Tuttle Foil Box V6.

The V6 has been made overt 8 months ago for customer with a Foil Mast shorter or equal to 70 cm.
It’s exactly same box comparing to the V4 / V5 but with different PVC , even the specs of lamination are the same, but with cheaper kind of Carbon Fiber.

To get the discount just apply the code: v6off  on the check out page, to get 20 euro of discount, valid until July 13, 2020 for limited quantity of 6 pieces.
Normally we will the order in the next available day, with UPS world wide.
Have a nice weekend.