Excuse me, where were we?

Hi there,
Sorry, but it’s been a while, since I have written my last post here in this blog.  I’ll try to do a little summary of my past month.
In our last post, we mention a new release of our best seller Future Track Mount 2 .
After that ,we had so many orders that we are still trying to complete and thank you very much for your trust.

Unfortunately this pandemic has created many problems for the purchase of materials and the production slows down a little bit, our work.
Move it to our Turtle Wing Custom Boards,  if you follow us on the various social networks ,  (FacebookInstagram)
we have produced 4 Wing boards, all different and each one with a particular graphic, and some prototypes.
Here a small gallery:

As many of you guys know, normally at this time of year, we leave Torbole for warm places like Maui , but cause the Covid-19,  we are not so safe to travel and especially stay in USA at this time, so we will continue to work in the shop until begin of December, than we will take a break for a month, and back in January 2021.
Keep following us on our social networks,

Stay safe,
Andrea 🙂