Small Clip about today in Maui
Another Crazy day here in Maui.
Hello everyone, we arrived few days ago and Maui delivered some nice condition, 4.5 Banzai Goya and 81Cube Quatro. the best combination ever. Below some photos.. Enjoy.
All the time, when you are watching the forecast, you always pray for wind or for the waves (depends where you are). In my case I live in Lake Garda so, it’s a Lake, flat, no waves, so when I check the forecast I look everything. Then when all your friends keep sending message telling […]
Another season it’s Over! I’d like to Thank you all, for this fantastic Summer season 2017. Stay tuned on our Facebook for last updates.
Sometimes your board can suck the water and before you figure out from where comes its almost to late..
I had a so much fun trying the Antoine’s Foil. Thank you Antoine Albeau to borrow me the foil and the Board. Photo Courtesy [envira-gallery id=”5141″]
We build a Woody Longboard for a friend. Has been a tricky and long work but the results has been amazing.