Jp Formula – Foil Ready

In this Jp Australia, Formula windsurfing, we removed the deep tuttle fin Box
and we add a proper Deep Tuttle Foil Ready Fin.
You can order your Deep Tuttle Foil Box in our store.

Patrik Formula – Foil Ready

Another transformation has been done!
In this Patrik Formula has been changed the Fin Box into Deep Tuttle Fin Foil Ready.
Now the client can use the same board for regular windsurfing or for Foiling.
More info write us 🙂

Patrik Slalom v2 – Foil Ready

Instead of spending over 2000 euros for a FOIL BOARD, many more customers convert their slaom board..
Like this Patrik Slalom 140L, v.2.
We removed the old fin box and installed a foil box.
More information call us or write or write us. 🙂