Brand New Board.
Fanatic Gecko Foil 2019 with a 100% Full Carbon Nose-Protection.
Fits perfectly !!
For More info and cost please visit
Brand new board,
Damage transportation.
Looks again new.
Some maybe never know that SIC it’s the “Ferrari” of Stand up Paddle.
This board even if used, cost like a small fortune.
The board came with 2 cracks on the edge-deck.
Brand new Fanatic Skate.
Brand new Nose-protector 70% Carbon.
more info
Brand New Starboard Futura.
The client ask us to build a Full carbon nose-protector with matt finish.
99 Slalom board of Bruno #ATUONO Martini,
get repaired under the pad.
Looks like the wood reinforcement didn’t work at all.
This Kiteboard hit a rock and broken totally the Future Fin Box,Check it out
Pretty bad crash on the nose of this Fanatic Falcon Slalom,
as you can see “before / after” the board looks like new again.
Just another board fixed!!