What’s next?

Hello everybody,
first of all Thank You for following Seatexboards facebook page and the website.
We had an huge increase in term of  visitors:
– last 3 months (June — July – August) of 2018 total visitors: 6.000.
– last 3 months (June — July – August) of 2019 total visitors: 23.000.
So Thank You so much!

What’s Next?
In the last 6 months we are working of some new things for Foiling and we will show something soon (maybe before end of September) , our Deep Tuttle Foil Box V4 and V5 hits almost all the states around the world, with totally positive feed back and we are working with some PWA riders to improve few details..  (check the map below)

The Future track mount V2 , it’s another big part of the new project of 2020, we are trying to make it lighter and easiest to install.
We have also, updated the Online Store with some new products:
Insert for Foot Straps : 2 – 3 – 4 holes, so now we have a entire collection.

we remind you that the store will be closed from the end in October to the beginning of March 2020, for winter holidays and some other new things.
The online store, will stay open untill November 14, 2019

Stay tuned.
Thank You


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