Deep Tuttle Foil Box V6

Hello everyone,
Although in this moment not easy for all of us,  we are trying not to stop our production.
Last week we finally had the results of our tests carried out last winter in Maui, and now we are ready to start the production of a new Deep Tuttle V6 specific for foil.
The new Foil Box will be made it with PVC 110Kg/cm3, with the same quantity of  glass and carbon as v4, the v5 has different type of carbon 4k.

Pre order will start March 18th, ONLY 5 pieces, and delivery is scheduled for early April.
The price for the first lot of Foil boxes, (5pieces) is 120euro + shipping with UPS more info please write us to:
Have a nice day

Thank you so much for all your kind of messages we’ve got.
Stay Home – Stay Safe