Lockdown Day 46!

Aloha Monday everyone,
We really hope you guys doing fine!
Almost everybody knew about our situation here in Italy, that has been, for quite a time, the nation with the high cases of infections and deadly people.
Luckily we live in a small town where has been only 9 cases, and all are healed.
Some friends and clients ask quite often: how we are passing the lock down?
Well, we were doing some stuff, few demo Box for a big company, few new collaboration  (maybe), and we are busy to build our first Wing-Sup-Board.
Last night our Prime Minister speech about the Lock down, seems to be confirmed that on 4th May, we can “move” a little bit more, but not really much and it’s TOTALLY unclear yet what / how and where we can move, just hoping that we can go in the water.. the lake at this time it’s so beautiful.

If you’d like to get any items from our Online Shop and support us, do it with confidence.
We fully loaded (almost 🙂 ) all the store of Deep Tuttle Foil Boxes –  all versions – and give all our support to all the customers with tips and how to do it at home, we ships with UPS Only.
Talk to you tomorrow with Wingboard Update.