Aloha Friday Everyone,
Has been quite a long time from our last post, but we still alive 😀
In the last few weeks, we were pretty busy with repairs and build a prototype for a big Windsurfing company.
Meantime we had a chance to get wet in the water in the morning and test some new equipment like a Flymount Aero and GoPro Max, but for this, we will talk you next week with really nice tech review.
Here how look the photo:
Next month we will pretty busy, we need to build 3 Turtle Wing Custom boards already in backorder and 7 Prototypes for a Windsurfing company.
We can’t tell you more, or show you any photos but seems pretty nice “Freemove – Freeride – Freerace” boards.
Deep Tuttle Foil Box and Future Track mount are fully in stock, also some Slot Box now are back in stock in our Online Store.
Have a nice weekend.
Take care, 🙂