That’s why, I’m not posting in the blog!

Aloha everyone,
Has been quite few weeks from my last blog post.
Here we will try to explain you why.
First of all Turtle Wing Boards, since we opened the online store, we have received many orders, that  we’re trying to deliver on schedule.
Yesterday we deliver a TW90L to Lucas, from Switzerland, and tomorrow we’d deliver also a TW70L Custom to Claudio.
Here the TW90L Lime.

Meantime, we are also working with Jp Australia that choose us like a second base to make some prototype for 2022, cause the travel ban to Thailand.
We need to build about 8 boards in less then a month!!!!
We can’t show you the boards since we agree to do not post any photo, sizes and model of the boards, but there is one really interesting..

That’s it for now, we hope to get back as soon we can.
You can still follow us on TurtleWing’s instagram page or Seatexboards instagram page.
Talk to you soon.
Ciao 🙂