Has been a while..

Hello everyone,
how you guys doing?
Sorry if i didn’t post it nothing in the last few mouths but i was so full of work that i had totally no time.
Here in lake Garda until now, we had kind a good weather and windy almost everyday, I went few time to test some new Wing Board of Turtle Wing, but mostly the time, cause Covid19 i spent in the shop or at home, now the situation it’s really gets better, so also a lot of tourist are enjoying the place.

Let’s start from Turtle Wing.
When we introduce our Wing board line  less then a year ago, we never expected to get some good feedback and so many orders that we had to reorganize the whole lab.
We spent all winter to produce and ship boards everywhere.

A the moment we are collecting  pre-orders for 2022 boards , with delivery in middle of August 2022, but still we have some 2021 models in stock, check the Shop online.

Foil Boxes – Track Mounts:
We worked for a unique part that include a Deep Tuttle Foil Box and Future Track mount ( 2 US boxes), but at the moment the total weight of the whole piece is still too high, especially if you don’t need one of 2 system.
So we decide to make some small chances and we introduce the New Deep Tuttle Foil Box lighter and always very resistant available in August 2021.
We upgrade also our Future Track mount (2 US boxes)  but you will see in few months, in our Online shop you can find all you need.

Repairs and Boom Regrip:
YES and YES we are still do it like has been in the last 22 years.
Keep in Touch

Take care
Andrea 🙂