Deep Tuttle Vs Deep Tuttle Foil Ready – Differences

Hello everyone,
in the last weeks, I saw several clients complaining that they lost a foil just because they tried to use it, in the Deep Tuttle box.
So I will like to explain the differences between a normal Deep Tuttle vs a Deep Tuttle Foil Ready.
In the picture below, you can see, a Deep Tuttle box from Patrik board in the left hand side.
The white part, it’s a foam, 10kg/cm3 and in the yellow part, its a high density foam where, inside, it’s located a fin box, that can be in carbon or plastic.

In the right side you can see a proper Deep Tuttle Foil Box, made it PVC high density 90kg/cm3 and 15 Layers of 130grams Carbon, 2 layers of fiberglass 230grams, and 2 layers of Fiberglass of 60grams.

The foil gave a lift of the board, and this power goes true your screws and the head of your foil.. but also give a side traction, so your box if it’s not strong enough will split in two parts.

If you have more question, before get in trouble please contact us.
To understand better how works the foil please check this article.

Have a great weekend