We stay open all winter.. almost!

Hello everyone,
it pass almost a month since my last post in this blog.
Sorry, but has been the busiest September ever.
We really hope you had time to get in the water, not like us, that last time we have been was August.
Anyway what we did in this month or so?
First of all: JP-Australia
We have build some prototype for JP Australia for 2022, Freestyle wave boards, (104/94/84 Liters) and one Freestyle Foil (100L).
This 4 boards has been delivered last Sunday, Tested and Approved, so will be in the next catalog of JP for 2022, and we are so proud that we get involve in this project: Thank you Werner!

After JP, we had to run to finish some Wing Boards in Back order like a Turtle Wing Custom 70L sized 5’0 x 23’5 x 4’1.
Here below some photos:

What’s next?
Well, cause this “Covid-Time” we can’t travel, (there is no place safer then home), so we decided to stay home, and keep the business running, will be the first winter to spend in Torbole after 16 years of Maui, will be tough, but we just postpone our holidays, to future dates.
For sure November we will take a break , and close the shop for a short period.
This is it for now,
Stay Safe
Talk to you sooner or later,
Andrea 🙂

Ps. We have still to finish this boards..