Dear all, after almost 10 days of “smart Working” just few hours a day, our Wing Board, it’s almost ready to get in the water. We still need to do some small details, like Pad ( should be arrive today), and open all the boxes.. Few days ago we did some color test, to see […]
Good Morning all, we are keep going on schedule.. last night we did the lamination on the deck and we are almost done, with our WingBoard. Tomorrow we will sand down all, and start to paint, that actually it’s not a paint. You will see. See you soon Andrea
Good Morning, After we laminated the bottom, today its time to prepare the lamination on the deck. Below some photo of yesterday. Next Step will be, the Deck, we have did also some Color Test, the board will be not painted but only spray some clear coat. But for this need more time. Talk to […]
Dear all, we are keep going with some other works and meantime we are trying to finish also the Wing Board. After all the lamination of the inserts and Mast track, we sand it down all , and we prepared the board for next step. We will start with Bottom lamination with 1 Layer of […]
Aloha everyone, after 52 days of lock down, starting on 4 May, 2020, we are able to move around our region if just we need it. Unfortunately all my parents are in another region, so until now i’m not able to go visit them. It’s still not clear if and how, we can go sailing […]
Hello friends, First of all THANK YOU for all kind of message that we keep receiving. We really APPRECIATED especially in this worst time. Back to our wing board, we installed the future track mount, Mast track and inserts: For this board, we choose 2 different configuration, with some straps for windsurfing and some others […]
Hello everyone, Over night we glued the PVC on the deck. We need to fix a couple of parts, but will be fine. Today we install our Future Track Mount V2, you can install your just follow our small guide in our website at this link. The process it’s kind of long but it’s almost […]
Hello everyone, Since this morning at 7am, we are able to go outside the house, with no limits but we must stay inside our city of residence. Torbole it’s not really big, but was so nice walking and see the lake again, after almost 2 mounts of lock down. We can’t do any water sport, […]
Dear all! After sanding the PVC block for reinforcement of the mast track, we started to prepare the PVC on the deck. We used a 3mm 75kg/cm3 PVC, much more flexible, light and easy to shape it. Then we prepared all the fibers and reinforcement, before glue the PVC on the deck. We still using […]