Aloha Monday everyone, We really hope you guys doing fine! Almost everybody knew about our situation here in Italy, that has been, for quite a time, the nation with the high cases of infections and deadly people. Luckily we live in a small town where has been only 9 cases, and all are healed. Some […]
Hello everyone and welcome to Day 3. we started last night with overnight working for gluing the bevels and part of the rails. This morning we get all done, and ready to sand all the rails. After removing the bag, and clean all, we sand the bevel and part of the edge, and this how […]
Aloha everyone, here the 2nd update of my wing board. After gluing the PVC on the bottom, few days ago, we started to fix all the rest of the board, And we shaped the tail, the kick and some V. we cut the PVC all around the bevel and the kick. Talk to you after […]
Hello everyone, If you followed us, last week weeks we get involve to build a custom wing board. After the CNC process , (you can see here), and the unboxing, today we started with glue a PVC, in the bottom of the board. We get in trouble when in Torbole the power went off, for […]
Hello everyone, Even we are still lockdown untill May 3, 2020, we recieved last week our foamblock almost fully shaped from ACME. We just had time to unpack and give a look, and started to fix the edge – rails of our first wingboard. Here some photos. We will keep you posted. Follow us. Have […]
Hello everyone, we really hope this “Lock down” will end soon and everybody can return to a real life. We spend the last few days in the shop to organize some shipment in Europe, and thanks to UPS all shipments have arrived at their destination on time. At the moment UPS it’s the only one […]
Stay home – stay safe Andrea 🙂
Hi there, We wish you all of you, safe and healthy Happy Easter. We give away a coupon discount valid until 13.April.2020 of 15 euro Off for any kind of Foil Boxes. Coupon code: Easter2020 Deep Tuttle foil Box V4 Deep Tuttle foil Box v5 Deep Tuttle foil Box v6 Take Care, Stay safe, Stay […]
Hey everyone, in the previous post we were talking about to produce a specific wing board. We are working on it , with ACME of Gianni Valdambrini . Here the video of the CNC machine cutting a blank of foam. Sizes: 190 x 68 x 95 Liters. if you wanna know more, about our custom […]
Hello everyone, once again, our client, sent us his work adapting the Future Track Mount into his board. You can DO IT YOURSELF Please keep in mind to check also this post Talk to you soon. Stay Safe – Stay Home Andrea