Hey everyone, Just a quick post to wish to all of you, Merry Xmas and Happy New Year! hoping that next year will be better for everyone Stay Safe, Andrea 🙂
Tag Archives: foiling
Hi there, Sorry, but it’s been a while, since I have written my last post here in this blog. I’ll try to do a little summary of my past month. In our last post, we mention a new release of our best seller Future Track Mount 2 . After that ,we had so many orders that […]
Hello Everyone, We hoping are you doing good even in this hard moment, cause Covid19. Today we want introduce to you, a new version of our best seller: Future Foil Track Mount 2. Made from an extremely high density 4cm thickness PVC 90 Kg/cm² this Foil Track Mount can be integrated into any board you […]
Hello everyone, it pass almost a month since my last post in this blog. Sorry, but has been the busiest September ever. We really hope you had time to get in the water, not like us, that last time we have been was August. Anyway what we did in this month or so? First of […]
Aloha everyone, Has been quite few weeks from my last blog post. Here we will try to explain you why. First of all Turtle Wing Boards, since we opened the online store, we have received many orders, that we’re trying to deliver on schedule. Yesterday we deliver a TW90L to Lucas, from Switzerland, and tomorrow […]
Aloha Friday Everyone, Has been quite a long time from our last post, but we still alive 😀 In the last few weeks, we were pretty busy with repairs and build a prototype for a big Windsurfing company. Meantime we had a chance to get wet in the water in the morning and test some […]
Hello everyone, for those didn’t follow us on Facebook , we had the shop flooded last week, that keep us closed for few days. But now we are back fully in business with normal opening hours. Meantime we launch a new Facebook Page of our Turtle Wing Boards Line and Instagram. Please check and thumbs […]